
Vladislav Mihasev

Junior Front-End developer(js\html\css\react\typescript)

Website Juul - (Source) Web site for the company Juul Belarus

Bootstrap-Site-Landing-Page - (Source) Fully responsive website. This site is Landing Page. Site layout is non-commercial.

Bootstrap gallery - (Source) Adaptive photo gallery with the ability to download any of the pictures

Website using Flexbox technology - (Source) Website created using Flexbox technology

Website using Bootstrap technology - (Source) Website created using Bootstrap technology

3D animation of IPhone - (Source) IPhone 3D Animation with CSS

Parallax Effect - (Source) Parallax Effect

Web-Site #1 - (Source) Web-Site #1

Shablon(website template) - (Source) Shablon(website template)

Online Store Structure (Basket) - (Source) Shopping cart implementation for an online store

Slider-Plus-LandingPage - (Source) Slider Plus LandingPage

Simple calculator - (Source) Simple calculator

Anchor \ Adaptive menu to the site - (Source) Anchor \ Adaptive menu to the site

Projects created exclusively with JS

usingCanvas#1 - (Source) usingCanvas#1

usingCanvas#2 - (Source) usingCanvas#2

Google Map - (Source) Connecting Google Maps via JS

To Do List - (Source) web application to record your daily tasks

Аutomatic text entry script - (Source) automatic text entry script

Snake Game - (Source) Snake Game

Game Rock Paper Scissors - (Source) Game Rock Paper Scissors

Movement - (Source) Movement using keyboard keys

Currency Converter - (Source) Currency Converter

Modal window with registration form - (Source) Modal window with registration form

Game “Guess the word” - (Source) Game “Guess the word”

Projects created with React JS

React-App-TranspOfLondon - (Source) React-App about Transport of London(created using API - https://www.transportapi.com/ Functional: input data is the name of the train stops The output is: 1) full name of the stop 2) coordinates of the stop on the map 3) stop indicator)

React-App-Weather-Cities - (Source) React-App is a service for receiving weather (pressure, temperature, location, sunset) of a specific entered city. This application was created using the API (https://openweathermap.org/api)

React-App-Calculate-Water-Boiling - (Source) This application is created using React library. The application allows - whether the water boils at a given temperature. In this application, the “Lifting status” method is implemented. 2 input fields work synchronously with each other (“source of truth” - App.js). The reason is that instead of trying to synchronize the state between different components, you need to rely on a unidirectional data stream.

React-App-Hacker-News - (Source) This React application implements the news list from the open API Hacher News (https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1). As well as in this application, there is a search by news, selection by the number of pages on the main screen, as well as pagination. Application created for educational purposes. Thanks for the idea and implementation - YauhenKavalchuk

React-App-ToDo - (Source) Using the ToDo application, the user can create records (tasks) consisting of four input fields (input text; input date; select; textarea). Implemented functionality for adding, deleting, and marking a task as completed. Redux was used in the application.

React-App-ToDo-ToDoWithData-ToDoWithSubList - (Source) The application is a clone of the application (https://wladislaw28.github.io/react-test-todo/), but with added functionality. Namely: there are 3 types of tasks (1. normal \ 2. with date (a countdown occurs on the specified date, as a result of which the task is marked as completed) \ 3. Task with a lot of tasks inside it). The application was created using React technology, and Typescript was used for typing, Redux.

React-App-Search-Giphy - Source React-App-Search-Giphy was created using React technology, and Typescript was used for typing. This application uses the open API https://developers.giphy.com/. The application has the functionality - to find giphy or stickers on the entered text in the Search field. It is also possible to view the found image in more detail and see similar giphy (stickers) by title. Also found image can be saved (localStorage was used). This application is optimized using dynamic imports, lazyload, as well as plugins (html-webpack-plugin, mini-css-extract-plugin, webpack-bundle-analyzer)